8 August 2013

I'm speaking at Windy City Rails!

I’ll be speaking at Windy City Rails on September 12th!

At Gaslight we’ve been using Rails to build a logistics system with custom hardware components. Overall the project has been a big success but also a significant learning experience. We’re handling concurrency between the hardware and our app at multiple levels. We use Resque/Redis, websockets, and manage a wide range of hardware components with different interfaces. If you want to use Rails to create an application that interfaces with hardware I think you’ll enjoy this talk.

Here is the abstract:

Where does Rails fit in the world of hardware projects? The agile culture and rapid development times associated Ruby on Rails make it a great option for developing user interfaces that integrate with hardware in the physical world. However, working with hardware brings new challenges beyond that of a typical web app.

On a recent project we communicated with custom hardware using byte-based protocols, bridged the gap between stateless web requests and on-going hardware communication, and used rich-client technologies for real-time interaction with hardware. This talk will cover all of these topics and more to help you succeed on a hardware project and expose you to the fun world of hardware hacking.

Heads up! This article may make reference to the Gaslight team—that's still us! We go by Launch Scout now, this article was just written before we re-introduced ourselves. Find out more here.

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